About Asset College
We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver exceptional training with real career and employment outcomes.
Asset College is a registered training organisation (RTO # 31718) delivering nationally recognised qualifications across Australia.
Our name comes with a story and people regularly ask “Why ASSET?” or “What does ASSET train?” The short answer is easy “We train people because people are Assets!”
The more detailed explanation of how our name came about is two-fold: Firstly, the greatest asset in any business is its people; no matter what business you look at, the expertise and personality of the staff make that business what it is. Reputation can be gained or lost on product quality but more so by the service, skill and efficiency of the staff that work in the business. Secondly, your knowledge and skills are what make you an asset to current/future employers as well as the colleagues, customers, suppliers and others that you work with. All knowledge and skills are learnt then practised; if you invest in your learning then you will increase your ‘asset’ value, hence our slogan
“Knowledge is your greatest asset!”

Quality Training Provider
Over a decade on from choosing our business name, Asset College has helped tens of thousands of people and businesses to improve their knowledge and skills. The name “ASSET” is widely recognised as a quality training provider thanks to the continually improving knowledge and skills of the ASSET Team.
Our Scope
Our scope includes accredited short courses, Certificate qualifications, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Post Graduate Certificates and Post Graduate Diplomas in a range of industries. We have a team of industry professionals and industry partners across the country contributing to the development and delivery of our programs to ensure that you receive the highest quality training available.
Flexible Delivery Methods
We believe that everybody should have access to both personal and professional development opportunities. That is why we offer flexible delivery methods for almost all of our courses. With Asset College, you can fit your study around your home and work commitments, allowing you to reach your goals without sacrificing the best things in life.
We pride ourselves on the community we have built through our dedication to great outcomes for students.
Over the years, we have built a loyal base of cliental who come to us for their education needs knowing that our quality training and the support we offer is second to none. This industry is dynamic and so too must ASSET be able to change swiftly and efficiently with the times to keep up with the changing needs of every industry we service and there is a lot! We wear many hats on a daily basis, ensuring we are what we need to be for everyone.
Since our humble beginnings, we have issued over 30,000 qualifications. You can be assured that your career goals are in good hands with Asset College.
Don’t just take our word for it, experience it when you study with Asset College.

Asset College Vision Statement
Our vision is to become Australia’s leading provider of quality vocational education, enhancing our customers’ knowledge and skills, enabling and empowering them to advance their career through formal training… Knowledge is your greatest asset!

Asset College Mission Statement
Our mission is to deliver quality training services to our customers with a focus on providing for the needs of individuals, organisations and industry. Our company’s success is measured through the development of knowledge and skills of individuals, sustainable employment outcomes, increased productivity of organisations and standards of excellence within industry. We will achieve this success through meticulous planning, delivery and evaluation of our training programs.

Asset College Core Values
Asset College recognises the relationship between core values and quality of training outcomes. Our core values, intended to deliver consistently high standards for our staff, customers, industry and community are:
- Honesty and Integrity
- Accountability
- Fairness and Respect
- Social Responsibility
Asset College Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality (HSEQ) Policy Statement
At Asset College our health, safety, environmental and quality responsibilities are integral to the way that we do business and the services we offer. Our vision is to ensure operational safety, environmental protection, and quality service delivery through the continuous monitoring and improvement of all our activities, training programs, and services delivered by us and delivered on our behalf by third parties.
This vision is underpinned by our core values of
- Honesty and integrity,
- Accountability,
- Fairness and Respect and
- Social Responsibility.
We count on our leadership, employees and third parties at all levels to deliver on our HSEQ commitments, in accordance with Asset College’s policies, processes, and practices, inclusive of the Integrated Management System.
Asset College is committed to:
- Ensuring the quality of products and services provided across all operations and on our behalf by third parties, by consistently supplying products and services that comply with applicable customer and regulatory requirements and improve customer satisfaction.
- Providing a safe and healthy environment for all employees and people affected by our work, including subcontractors, students and the public by providing safe and healthy working conditions, minimising workplace hazards and risks, and preventing injury and ill health. We strongly believe people are our most important asset and work health, and safety is of critical importance and everyone’s responsibility.
- Taking measures to ensure the protection of the environment by supporting efficient use of resources and energy, preventing pollution and reducing adverse impacts of our operations and products on the environment.
- Always maintaining an effective HSEQ program.
To meet our commitments, Asset College will:
- Plan and develop documented procedures for all its business processes as per the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015 and ensure that these are understood by all employees and effectively implemented at all levels of the Company.
- Apply best practice principles to ensure that effective systems, policies, procedures, and resources are in place to ensure the health, safety, environmental protection and quality of all services delivered by or on behalf of Asset College.
- Comply with relevant all relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice, industry standards and customer expectations, including workplace health and safety, and environmental and energy laws.
- Identify workplace hazards and environmental aspects and impacts relating to all activities and implement appropriate control measures and provide safe and healthy working conditions, minimising workplace hazards and risks, and preventing injury and ill health for employees and students.
- Ensure all safety and environmental incidents are investigated, complaints recorded, and lessons are learnt within the organisation, utilizing continuous improvement systems and conducting quarterly reviews of non-conformances and improvement opportunities.
- Educate all employees, students and all relevant parties on correct procedures and work practices to increase awareness, skills and knowledge of how to manage health, safety, environmental and quality of service risks.
- Set measurable objectives and encourage continuous improvement in management systems and service delivery processes by setting meaningful Key Performance Indicators and monitoring using the Plan / Do / Check / Act cycle.
- Communicate and consult with employees and other stakeholders to involve them and improve decision-making process on health, safety, environmental and quality (HSEQ) matters.
- Define roles and responsibilities to ensure all Asset College employees, subcontractors, third parties and students are aware of their legal obligations to both themselves and to others,
- Ensure all employees, subcontractors, third parties and students are provided with our Student Handbook and inducted into our relevant health, safety, environmental and quality (HSEQ) safety policy and procedures.
- Review the Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality (HSEQ) Policy at least annually.
While the Managing Director and Management Team are ultimately responsible for HSE, all employees and stakeholders must share in the application of this policy. By empowering everyone to speak up and act, we will ensure this policy is fully met.