
- Course Code: WHSQ-HSR-NCB01
- Short Courses
Industry accredited training for Health and Safety Representatives in the workplace.

- Course Code: HLTPAT005
- Short Courses
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to confirm collection requirements, prepare client and equipment and collect specimens.

- Course Code: HLTAID013
- Short Courses
This course has been designed to equip those, who for work or recreation, travel in remote areas, where in the event of an accident causing injury, medical help will be delayed.

- Course Code: HLTAID014
- Short Courses
This course has been designed to provide the skills and knowledge required to provide an advanced first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s), the incident and other first aiders, in a range of situations.

- Course Code: CPCWHS1001
- Short Courses
General Construction Industry Training (GCIT) Required For Varying Roles In Construction

- Course Code: 11282NAT
- Short Courses
A great personal and professional development course for volunteer judicial roles.

- Course Code: AHCPMG304
- Short Courses
This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to euthanise animals using firearms and techniques appropriate for the type and mobility of the animal.

- Course Code: 11281NAT
- Short Courses
Witness signatures and certify documents in a voluntary role as a Commissioner For Declarations.

- Course Code: SITHFAB021
- Short Courses
Industry requirement to work in licensed venues under state and territory liquor licensing laws.

- Course Code: AHCPMG311
- Short Courses
This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct pest control activities from the air using firearms.

- Course Code: CPP31418
- Short Courses
This course is for those wishing to apply for a Class 1B Bodyguard licence in NSW. This class of licence allows you to work as a bodyguard or in a similar capacity.

- Course Code: CPPSS00059
- Short Courses
This skill set is for Security Officers who are required to use Batons and Handcuffs as part of their role. This skill set describes the skills and knowledge required to safely and effectively carry and use batons and handcuffs. This skill set may provide credit towards CPP31318 Certificate III in Security Operations and CPP31418 Certificate III in Close Protection Operations.

- Course Code: CPPSS00060
- Short Courses
This skill set is for Security Officers who want to obtain their Dog Patrol licence in QLD.
The Security Dog Handler Course at Asset College provides the necessary training for individuals aiming to apply for a QLD Class 1 Security Officer (Dog Patrol) licence.

- Course Code: CPP31318
- Short Courses
Complete your 1F Armed Guard training for NSW licensing with ASSET!
This course is for those wishing to apply for a Class 1F Armed Guard licence in NSW. This class of licence allows you to work protecting, patrolling or guarding approved classes of property while armed (you must have a licence or a permit to possess a firearm).

- Course Code: AVIO0018
- Short Courses
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to use firearms on an aerodrome to control wildlife hazards in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and national operating standards.

- Course Code: PUAFER005
- Short Courses
This course teaches you how to to work within the command, control and coordination structure of an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO).

- Course Code: CPPFES2005
- Short Courses
This course teaches you how to correctly and safely use portal fire extinguishers, fire hose reels and fire blankets in an emergency situation.

- Course Code: PUAFER006
- Short Courses
This course teaches you how to make decisions about the safety of occupants during a facility emergency and to give instructions on the priority order for responding to an emergency incident.