CPP30619 Certificate III in Investigative Services

Work for law firms, animal welfare groups, corporate organisations or government in private investigations.





Study Method


Available Location and Date

None currently available

Course Overview

CPP30619 Certificate III in Investigative Services

Compensation claims in Queensland are on the rise, and with this comes fraudulent activity and claims. This results in a high request for licensed Private Investigators.

Private Investigators are required in both civil and criminal investigation processes and are employed on a contract or in-house basis by both private and government organisations.

In this course you will learn how to:

  • Investigate insurance fraud
  • Gather evidence for a law firm
  • Lead internal investigations
  • Locate missing people
  • Investigate and report on facts
  • Carry out interviewing, surveillance and court procedures

This is a qualification for investigators, responsible for factual investigation and inquiry work or covert surveillance operations. Investigators operate under limited supervision and use discretion and judgement to search for information about a person’s character, actions or work and gather evidence that may be used in court.

This qualification provides occupational specialisations in factual investigation and surveillance, and a pathway to further learning and work in investigations management.

Investigators undertaking surveillance operations are required to operate a surveillance vehicle in compliance with road and traffic laws.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be awarded a Certificate III in Investigative Services (CPP30619).

This will allow for the application to the Office of Fair Trading Queensland for a Class 1 Security Providers Licence with the single licence function “Private Investigator”.

This course also allows for the addition of the “Private Investigator” licence function to an existing Class 1 Security Providers Licence.

A Security Providers Licence is required in QLD to carry out work as a Private Investigator.

For all other states and territories, please contact the relevant licensing department to ensure this course matches the requirements.

Possible areas of work may include:

  • Workers Compensation Investigation
  • General Insurance Investigation
  • Motor Vehicle Accident CTP Investigation
  • Public Liability Investigation
  • Local, state and federal Government Investigation
  • Plaintiff Investigation
  • Criminal Defence Investigation
  • Loss Adjusting support services
  • Transport & Marine Accident

Not sure which security course fits your needs? Find out more about the requirements for security licensing and which course provides you your desired career outcome here!

While there are no prerequisite requirements for entry into this course, there are licensing requirements that may prevent you from gaining your Security Providers Licence in order to be a Private Investigator if you do not meet them.

To apply for a Security Providers Licence you:

  • Must be 18 years or age or older
  • Must have had no criminal convictions in previous 10 years. Note; driving offences (e.g. speeding, drink driving, etc.) are not normally disqualifying offences.
  • Must be an Australian Citizen or hold an appropriate visa to work in Australia.

This course is not open to international students (student visa 500).

Please check the requirements of the licensing body in your state to ensure the structure of our course meets their requirements before enrolling.

Participants will require sufficient English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills for entry into this qualification. You will be required to undertake an Online LLN ASSESSMENT prior to commencing enrolment in this course.

Find out your LLN level now!

To be awarded this qualification you must show competency in a total of 16 units.

Core Units

  • CPPINV3026 Work effectively in investigative services
  • CPPINV3027 Develop investigation plans
  • CPPINV3028 Investigate and locate subjects
  • CPPINV3029 Provide quality investigative services to clients
  • CPPSEC3124 Prepare and present evidence in court

Factual and Surveillance Elective Units

  • BSBESB305 Address compliance requirements for new business ventures
  • CPPINV3030 Conduct factual investigations
  • CPPINV3031 Conduct interviews and take statements to support investigations
  • CPPINV3032 Develop factual investigation reports
  • HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
  • PSPCRT007 Compile and use official notes
  • PSPREG006 Produce formal record of interview
  • PSPSEC009 Handle sensitive information
  • CPPINV3033 Conduct covert surveillance operations
  • CPPINV3034 Organise and operate surveillance vehicles
  • CPPINV3035 Develop surveillance investigation reports

In order to apply for a Class 1 Security Providers Licence in QLD, participants must complete all of the above 16 units. No substitution of units is allowed. You can view more information about the requirements of this qualification on training.gov.au.

Standard Online Delivery

1 unit per month for 16 months. Includes regular contact with a trainer. Should allow 20 – 25 hours per week to study.

Accelerated Learning

For people with prior knowledge, skills or qualifications. 2 units per month for 8 months. Should allow 30 – 40 hours per week to study.

Assessment Only / RPL

For people with evidence of their extensive experience.

We aim to have all RPL assessments finalised within 12 weeks but it is usually much quicker. The actual timeframe depends on the course you are seeking RPL for, how long it takes you to supply the evidence and how long it takes us to verify your evidence.

You can complete our Free Skills Assessment right now to determine if this is the right option for you.

Custom Enrolment

If you wish to customise your course, change your elective units or study load please contact us to request an individual learning plan. Changes to units for this qualification cannot be guaranteed due to licensing requirements.

Please Note: This program includes some clustered units where you may complete more than 1 unit concurrently to allow for completion of your course within the 6 or 12 month time frames.

The number of hours outlined is a guide only and each individual will learn at a different pace. Students may request an extension or submit their assessments early as required to suit their individual learning needs.

Online Resources

Asset College delivers this qualification completely online. For some courses, learning material is not able to be printed or downloaded by students into PDF or Word format for offline purposes. If you would like to discuss printed materials, please contact us prior to enrolment.

Other Information

On enrolment, you will receive a customised training plan. This training plan will list all units of competency you will complete within this qualification along with their due dates for submission. Students must be submitting units by the due dates outlined on your training plan or an extension application will be required.

After completing this course you may wish to further your studies with:

Course Fees

This qualification is available through online study or RPL. You can also opt to complete some units by RPL and some units through online study.

Online Study – $1795

RPL – $900

Certificate 3 Guarantee Funding (Queensland Only) – Concession $16 or $48 Non-concession

Payment Options

Online Study

1. Pay as you go

Pay in 4 simple instalments. Please view our Course Fees brochure to see instalment amounts.

2. zipMoney – From $78 a week over 6 months

Up to 6 months interest free on zipMoney. Best for people with an existing zipMoney account.


Individualised quotes will be discussed with our RPL Manager after submission of a free skills assessment. Please read the full outline on our RPL process here.

1. 2 split payments

Pay 50% of the course fees to begin your RPL, with 50% due on completion before your certificate is issued.

2. zipMoney payment plan

Certificate 3 Guarantee – Queensland Only

Eligible students in Queensland may receive government subsidised training under the Certificate 3 Guarantee program.

You can view more information about eligibility requirements here.

Please note, the co-contribution fee may change after a review of your circumstances prior to enrolment in the qualification but will not exceed the above stated fees.

You can view the co-contribution fee breakdown per unit here.

Please be advised that you will no longer be eligible for a government subsidised training place under the Certificate 3 Guarantee program once you complete this qualification.

You can review the Certificate 3 Guarantee Fact Sheet produced by the Department of Employment, Training and Small Business on their website.

Start funding application now!

If you need help with your application, please call us on 1300 731 602 or email us.

Other Information

Please read our Course Fees and Refund policy here.

Extension Request Fees

Should you require an extension on your study, the following applies:

Full Qualification
One Month $150
Six Months $300
Single Unit
One Month $50
Six Months $150

Assessment Re-Submission Fees

Should you be deemed not competent after 2 attempts at a unit of competency, an assessment re-submission fee of $50 will apply per assessment.


Should you wish to cancel your course or your enrolment is cancelled by us due to no progress and you then wish to re-enrol, a re-enrolment fee of 25% of the standard course fee will apply if requested within 3 months of initial cancellation. If re-enrolment is requested within 4 – 12 months of initial cancellation, 50% of the standard course fee will apply.

Applications made for Security Providers Licences are handled by the Office of Fair Trading Queensland.

This qualification covers all necessary content to allow participants to apply for their Class 1 Security Providers Licence with the endorsement “Private Investigator”. This application incurs a fee that is payable direct to the Office of Fair Trading.

The cost of this licence is not included in the cost of the course.

You will not be able to submit your licence application until you have successfully completed this course and received your certificate.

For all other states and territories, please contact the relevant licensing department to ensure this course matches the requirements.

Please contact us for more information.

“I am absolutely invested in this course! Anthony is an outstanding trainer and delivers new units and responses very rapidly.

As I could not complete my degree in criminology and counter terrorism operations, I am excited to delve into the investigations industry upon certificate completion.

Asset College so far is definitely a place I would recommend for those looking to study into similar industries and fields!”

Angus Hudson

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