WHSQ-HSR-NCB01 Health and Safety Representative Course

Industry accredited training for Health and Safety Representatives in the workplace.




8:30am to 5pm


Study Method

Available Location and Date

None currently available

Course Overview

WHSQ-HSR-NCB01 Health and Safety Representative Course

This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfil their role as a Health and Safety Representative (HSR) in Queensland.

A HSR must have undertaken this training in order to issue a Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN).

The role of the Health and Safety Representative (HSR) is primarily to liaise with other staff to identify health and safety issues and convey these to management. HSRs are elected by fellow staff to represent the views of the staff group.

HSRs in Queensland are entitled to attend this five day training course within three months of making a request for such training to their PCBU.

Employers are required to allow the HSR to take time off work to attend this training. Likewise, HSRs are also entitled to attend one day refresher courses at least every three years, with the entitlement to the first refresher training commencing three years after the initial training (as per Section 21 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Qld)).

This course is accredited by Work Cover Queensland.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a Statement of Attendance.

This course is for workers who have been elected as HSRs for their workplace. This course is also suitable for supervisors and managers who have a responsibility for the safety of workers.

What do I need before I start?

There are no formal prerequisite units required for entry into this course.

You will however require intermediate English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills.

This course is not open to international students (student visa 500).

What will I need to provide to enrol?

  • Enrolment Form
  • USI
  • Photo Identification
  • Payment
  • Three matching original EOI documents. You can view the ID requirements for this course here.

You can read more about the requirements of employers and employees in regards to Health and Safety Representative training on the WorkCover Queensland website.

Please contact us for more information.

Full Course

This course is delivered face to face over 5 days. Courses will run from 8.30am – 5pm each day and students will be required to attend the training in full to receive a Statement of Attendance.

Students will need to bring a laptop to complete this course through an online portal during the workshop.


HSR Reps are also required to complete a one day refresher course annually. This will be a face to face 1 day refresher from 8.30am – 5pm.

After completing this course you may wish to further your studies with:

Fee For Service

Full Course
$695 per person

$300 per person

Click here for further information on course fees, refunds and payment terms.

From this course you will gain:

  • An understanding of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation;
  • An understanding of how it applies to your role as an elected Health and Safety Representatives (HSR); and
  • The additional knowledge and skills regarding their powers under the WHS legislation to issue Provisional Improvement Notices(PINs) and direct unsafe work to cease.

The following subjects will be covered on this course:

  • Work, Health and Safety framework
  • Consultation, Representation and Participation
  • Issue Resolution, Support for HSRs and Managing Risks
  • Inspections, Notifiable Incidents and Incident Investigation
  • Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs) and directing unsafe work to cease

Please note, there is no formal assessment as part of this course.

Please contact us for more information.

“The best bit about the course was the trainer and his connection with students. My overall experience was beyond my expectations. In future Asset college will be my first choice incase I need any sort of training.”

Parth Patell

Course cost

Full Course




Health and Safety Representative

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