CPCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

General Construction Industry Training (GCIT) Required For Varying Roles In Construction


6 days




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Study Method

Available Location and Date

None currently available

Course Overview

CPCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry


This unit of competency specifies the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work.



North Lakes

  • 28 March, 2025
  • 17 April, 2025
  • 23 May, 2025


  • 28 March, 2025
  • 23 May, 2025


  • 28 March, 2025
  • 14 April, 2025
  • 23 May, 2025



  • 28 February, 2025


The unit requires the person to demonstrate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements in order to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others.

It covers identifying and orally reporting common construction hazards, understanding basic risk control measures, and identifying procedures for responding to potential incidents and emergencies. It also covers correctly selecting and fitting common personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.

Please note. In order to participate in this course you will need to provide 3 matching original EOI documents. Please see Entry Requirements for an outline of these documents.

A White Card and Statement of Attainment for CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry will be awarded on successful completion of this course.

People who need a White Card may include:

  • site managers, supervisors, surveyors, labourers and tradespeople
  • people who access operational construction zones (unaccompanied or not directly supervised by an inducted person)
  • workers whose employment causes them to routinely enter operational construction zones

What do I need before I start?

There are no formal pre-requisite units required for entry into this course.

You will however require basic English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills.

You must be 13 years of age or older to attend this course.

International students are accepted into this course.

In order for us to issue you with a White Card, we require you to provide 3 forms of valid identification as per the WHSQ guidelines. You will be required to provide us with this identification before your booking is confirmed. 

Please download the Evidence of Identity Requirements here to view the types of documents you can provide.

Record Retention Requirements by Asset College

We must keep records of all aspects of GCIT for 5 years. This includes but is not limited to:

  • the serial number of each GCIT card issued
  • the name, date of birth, residential address and contact details of each person that has been issued a GCIT card
  • the date of issue of each GCIT card
  • any evidence supporting the issue of a replacement GCIT card
  • all student training and assessment materials
  • evidence of resources used in GCIT assessment activities
  • student EOI
  • decisions by us to refuse to issue or replace a GCIT card.

If requested, Asset College must provide the Regulator with any GCIT record as outlined above.

These conditions apply to every organisation that issues GCIT White Cards in QLD.

View our Privacy Policy.

General Construction Industry Training (GCIT) means the GCIT course delivered face-to-face either in a classroom or by connected real time delivery, for the purpose of issuing a GCIT card.

Please contact us for more information.

This course is only available for group bookings. Please contact us for a quote.

This unit is delivered in-class only and is not available by distance or online learning. The Office of Industrial Relations Workplace Health and Safety Queensland requires all White Card training to be face to face in Queensland. Recognition of Prior Learning is not available for this course.

Everyone learns at different rates and therefore the duration of the assessment will vary from person to person. As a guide, participants should allow at least six hours to complete this unit with additional time and trainer support if required. The theory assessment is delivered online in class.

Available at the following offices or at your location:

  • North Lakes (QLD)
  • Gold Coast (QLD)
  • Logan (QLD)
  • Launceston (TAS) (different delivery methods and requirements may apply)

Questions? Email us.

On successful completion of this course, you may wish to further your studies with:

Fee For Service
$95 per person

For group bookings, please contact us for a quote.

Click here for further information on course fees, refunds and payment terms.

With the harmonisation of work health and safety laws under the Model WHS Act, the construction induction card (White Card) is mutually recognised in all states and territories.

Mutual recognition arrangements amongst the states and territories enhance the capacity of construction workers to move across state/territory boundaries without the need to undertake construction induction training in each jurisdiction.

If you are unsure which White Card you should complete you can always discuss it with your employer or relevant work health and safety regulatory authority.

A White Card now replaces the previous Blue Card. Blue cards are still valid and do not yet have an expiry date. However, if you have lost your blue card you will need to do a White Card course as Blue Cards are no longer issued.

Please contact us for more information.

“I am blown away by the assistance Kevin provided during my course. Without your push I know I wouldn’t have done it. I never thought of myself being smart because all I know is warehousing / trucking driving work. Tests and textbooks freak me out big time due to my skills its always been something I hide from or play it off. I am working on my writing and spelling, going to do some more courses as soon as I can. Again, thanks so much Kevin, you are the man.”

Jason Eagles

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