Essential First Aid Supplies All Security Guards Should Have on Hand

first aid supplies for security guards

Essential First Aid Supplies All Security Guards Should Have on Hand

Security guards are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and security of people and property. In the course of their duties, they may encounter various situations where first aid may be required.

Having access to the right first aid supplies is not only essential for providing immediate assistance to those in need but also a crucial part of a security guard’s preparedness. In this article, we discuss the essential first aid supplies that all security guards should have on hand to handle medical emergencies effectively. 

Basic First Aid Kit 

A well-organised and fully stocked basic first aid kit should be the foundation of every security guard’s medical supplies. This kit should include:

  • Sterile gauze pads and bandages 
  • Adhesive tape 
  • Antiseptic wipes 
  • Scissors 
  • Tweezers 
  • Disposable gloves 
  • Instant cold packs 
  • Triangular bandages 
  • CPR face shield or pocket mask 
  • First aid manual 

A basic first aid kit is the first line of defence for handling minor injuries, including cuts, scrapes, burns, and sprains. Security guards should regularly check and replenish their kits to ensure that all items are in good condition and have not expired. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 

Given the current global health concerns, personal protective equipment is more critical than ever. Security guards should carry the following PPE items in their first aid supplies: 

  • N95 masks or equivalent 
  • Disposable medical gloves 
  • Hand sanitiser 
  • Face shields or safety glasses 

Wearing appropriate PPE is essential when providing first aid to prevent the spread of diseases and protect both the responder and the injured person. 

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) 

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a life-saving device that can be vital in cases of sudden cardiac arrest. Security guards often work in public places where sudden cardiac emergencies can occur. Having an AED on hand, along with proper training in its use, can significantly increase the chances of saving a life. 


A tourniquet is a vital tool for stopping severe bleeding in the case of a life-threatening injury. While tourniquets should be used with caution and only as a last resort, they can be crucial in situations where pressure bandages and direct pressure are insufficient. Security guards should be trained in the correct use of tourniquets and carry them in their first aid supplies. 

Trauma Shears 

Trauma shears are heavy-duty scissors designed to cut through clothing and other materials to access and assess wounds. They are essential for security guards in situations where immediate medical attention is required, and they need to expose injuries for proper assessment and treatment. 

Sam Splint 

Sam Splints are versatile and malleable splints that can be molded to immobilise fractures, sprains, or dislocations. Security guards may encounter individuals with injuries that require splinting, and having a Sam Splint in their first aid kit can be invaluable for providing proper support and reducing pain. 

Pain Relief Medications 

Over-the-counter pain relief medications, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can provide temporary relief to injured individuals until professional medical assistance arrives. Security guards should be aware of the proper dosages and contraindications for these medications and offer them when appropriate. 

Wound Closure Supplies 

In cases of lacerations or deep wounds, security guards may need to close the wound temporarily until medical professionals can provide proper treatment. Wound closure supplies may include adhesive strips, butterfly bandages, or sterile sutures. Security guards should only use these supplies if they have received training in wound closure techniques. 


A flashlight is an essential tool for examining injuries and providing light in low-light or nighttime situations. Security guards should carry a durable and reliable flashlight as part of their first aid supplies to ensure they can assess injuries accurately. 

Emergency Contact Information 

While not a physical supply, having a list of emergency contact information, including local hospitals, poison control centers, and relevant emergency services, is crucial. This information should be easily accessible in case it is needed during an emergency. 

Final Thoughts 

Security guards are often the first responders in emergencies, making it vital that they are equipped with the necessary first aid supplies to handle a wide range of medical situations. From minor injuries to life-threatening emergencies, having the right tools and knowledge can make a significant difference in the outcome.

To ensure the safety and well-being of both the security guard and those they protect, it is essential that they carry and maintain these essential first aid supplies at all times. Preparedness is key, and security guards with the right supplies and training can be a crucial asset in emergency situations. 

Are your first aid certificates up to date? Whether it’s Advanced First Aid or just First Aid we can help. Check out our first aid courses or check out our first aid courses or get in touch with us. 

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