Administration Managers – the unsung heroes of the business world

Administration Manager

Administration Managers – the unsung heroes of the business world

We have all dealt with Administration Managers. In our jobs and in our everyday lives, when we go to the Doctors or register for a program, there has been someone there to explain the process, give you the paperwork and make sure that paperwork is filed, and the request is followed through.

But do you really know what an Administration Manager does?

Seek outlines some great statistics relevant to this role which you can read here. Basically, an Administration Manager’s role is focused on the management of different work departments to achieve specific objectives. These multi-tasking wizards have a myriad projects and roles they manage on a daily basis that ensures the smooth operation of a business.

They are personnel specialists, consultants, and project managers as well as administrators. They often assist with tasks for human resources, data analytics and research.

An administration manager does a lot more than admin. They are involved in the planning of the organisation, assisting with the overall direction of the company, strategising task distribution to ensure success and motivating and incentivising staff to achieve goals within the time frame devised. On top of all of that they are excellent with time management, scheduling, bookkeeping and financials.

If you’re thinking about getting into this exciting field, you’ll need a Diploma of Business Administration and there are a few soft skills are useful to have:


Administration managers deal with people, a lot. They have their team of staff whom they are managing, training, assisting and delegating to and they also have to communicate with other departments regularly, project work may call for them to collaborate with different department heads and/or manage other teams as needed. And there’s often a lot of interaction with clients, stakeholders and customers as well. All around this field is perfect for a people person.

Time Management

One of the key attributes’ Administration Managers have is time management. Because they will be managing projects and teams, it often comes down to them to ensure all elements of a task are completed on time for the project work to progress.

Attention to Detail

A keen eye for detail is vital to the role of an Administration Managers. They help to bring together the work of various departments and they need to be able to recognise the missing elements.

This attention to detail is also very important for the organisation of the company, the filling systems which are often devised and regularly tweaked by the Administration Manager, require a very strong attention to detail.

If this sounds like an area you’d like to get into, you can get an edge over other applicants with a Diploma of Business Administration from Asset College.

This diploma will give you all the tools you’ll need to excel in this field, covering topics like project management, business document design and development and leading and managing your team’s effectiveness.

ASSET offers flexible study options with online courses and self-paced study.

Contact us today to discuss your career goals and learn more about how Asset can help you. You can view testimonials from previous students about their experiences with us too and if you’re thinking about becoming an Administration Manager for a small business, read these tips.

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