Leaving the Farm Behind for a More Flexible Career in the Security Industry

Leaving the Farm Behind for a More Flexible Career in the Security Industry

Student Success Story: Pam Comello

Security Officers come from many differing backgrounds! It is an industry that welcomes people no matter your gender, age or experience and there is a role within the security industry that is suitable for just about everyone.

One person who knows this all too well is recent ASSET graduate, Pam Comello.

Before deciding to explore a career in security, Pam was an Organic Dairy Farmer. The dairy farming industry is one which is quite demanding and when looking for a sea-change Pam was focused on finding an industry where she could just work casually.

That’s when she found security while visiting the HELP Employment office at Yarrabilba. Asset College works closely with job service providers to ensure that everyone who walks through their doors are aware of the opportunities that the security industry can provide to those looking for a career change.

Lucky for Pam, our hard work payed off and she was enrolled into our Logan security course. She undertook her training with Matthew Wall and she says he was just great.

Following her training, Pam attended our pre-screening for employment session, finding this very beneficial for preparing her for a role in security. Her husband at this time was also progressing through ASSET’s employment support program and had attended an interview with Asset Protection.

Her husband was successful in securing a role and this opened up the door for Pam into Asset Protection too, where she was able to secure her first role.

Pam now works for Trident Security at Robina Town Centre and thinks her new career in security is ‘excellent’.

As an employer partner of Asset College, Trident has commented that they love Pam’s flexibility!

On her new career Pam says, ‘I meet many new people, love helping them and engaging with them every day!’.

Are you looking for a more casual work environment? Security might be for you! Come along to one of our free information sessions to find out.

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