How long does it take to become a Security Guard?
The short answer is approximately up to 3 months before you are licensed and can work in QLD.
But, here’s the process in full!
Over the last year you may have noticed the security presence has intensified across a range of sectors.
Due to the nature of the COVID safety rules businesses and organisations have had to put on more guards to ensure patrons and the public adhere to strict guidelines put in place by the government.
In a year like 2020 it was rare for an industry to retain staff let alone be actively recruiting but this was the case for security companies all over Australia.
Of all the different areas and industries you could get into security is solid with a projected job growth of 15.6% in the next five years according to
Maybe you’ve seen the increased security presence or maybe you’re ready to get out of the 9-5 grind, either way you might be thinking about joining the exciting and in-demand security industry but you just don’t know where to start.
You may be wondering how long does it take to become a security guard and what training do you need?
How long does it take to become a Security Guard?
If you are starting fresh in the security industry with no experience, there will be a 3 step process you’ll need to follow to be job ready in this industry.
Step 1. Training
You’ll need to complete a Certificate II in Security Operations. This is now the required course to gain your security guard licence and begin working in the field.
The Certificate II in Security Operations takes 8 days to complete and includes your Provide First Aid certificate which is a requirement to be able to gain your licence.
Step 2. Certification
Once you have completed the course with ASSET, our dedicated trainers begin the marking process and then our certifications team finalise and quality check all paperwork. From the time you finish the course it takes up to 10 working days for you to receive your certificate.
Step 3. Getting your Security Guard Licence
Once you have received your certificates you can then begin the process of applying for your licence.
The application is made through the Office of Fair Trading. This process can take up to 2 months depending on the back log of applications with the Office of Fair Trading and usually the time of year. You also must make sure you have submitted all requirements to speed up the process.
Once you’re officially a qualified and licensed security guard you’re ready to go. But to get job-ready for the industry we recommend our graduates come back and complete pre-employment screening.
Pre-employment Coaching and Employer Connections Events
At ASSET, we like to provide our graduates with a competitive edge in their field. That’s why we offer pre-employment coaching sessions at no cost to our Certificate II in Security Operations graduates.
In these coaching sessions we provide resume feedback, explain industry expectations, and run you through interview questions. Those graduates who have completed the pre-employment screening successfully get referred on to our employer connections program.
ASSET’s employer connections program links graduates with company recruiters through regular events including group interviews and meet and greets.
The employer connections program is highly regarded by our previous graduates, read about their success stories here.
If you’re thinking about getting into the security industry we highly recommend attending one of our free security career information sessions.
in these sessions our expert team will take you through what kind of roles you can do in the security industry, the funding options you may be able to take advantage of for the Certificate II in Security Operations, what’s covered in the course, how you apply for the licence and how much you can make in this industry.
While you’re waiting for your licence to come back you might also like to get your RSA and White Card.
Contact us today to discuss your security career goals.