How To Become a JP

How To Become a JP

In QLD, there are multiple steps required before you are appointed and can begin your duties as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified).

How to become a JP:

  1. Complete a training course
  2. Apply for appointment
  3. Be sworn in

Only after these steps have been completed by you, can you start performing the duties of a Justice of the Peace (Qualified).

1. Complete a training course

The course that is required is the Justice of the Peace (Qualified) course.

At Asset College, we offer a face to face workshop to assist you in understanding the practical components of your role. These are available at North Lakes, Spring Hill, Townsville and on the Gold Coast. This runs for 2 days followed by completion of an external exam from home.

If you are not close to the location’s we offer, you can complete the Justice of the Peace (Qualified) course without attending our office. You simply review the JP Handbook and complete the external exam in your own time from home.

There are no requirements to come into our office to complete your exam and the exam is open book. It comprises of multiple choice and short answer questions plus practical activities that you would carry out as a JP.

2. Apply for appointment

Once you have successfully completed the JP course at Asset College you then need to apply to become a JP. This part of your application can be done completely online. The application will be sent to the State Member of Parliament for nomination of your appointment.

You will need to provide your certificate and two character references from people who have known you for 5 years or more in support of your application.

When your application is approved there is one final step before you can begin your duties as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified).

3. Be sworn in

At this stage, you will need to attend your local Magistrates court to take an oath or affirmation in front of a Magistrate. You will learn more about the differences between oaths and affirmations in your course. This is generally carried out in the privacy of the Magistrates Chambers – you don’t have to stand up in court.

Once you have been sworn in you will be required to pay a registration fee, concluding the process to becoming a JP in QLD.

JP’s are volunteers who give up their time to assist the community. Once you are a Justice of the Peace (Qualified), why not sign up to offer your services in your local shopping centre or library!

For more information about How to become a JP in QLD, please contact us.

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