Insider Tips You Need To Master Your Online Study

master your online study

Insider Tips You Need To Master Your Online Study

Having flexibility with their schedule is the number one reason people flock to online study. With access to online learning, you can study anywhere, anytime whether that be on the bus, in a cafe or on your lunch break. Online study gives you the chance to fit your studies in around your other commitments.  

Online vs in the classroom 

While people often lament the difficulty of online study versus classroom study there are some benefits too. Obviously in the classroom you can learn with other students, have constant access to your teacher and have a regular routine and structure to keep on track.  

But you can have those things when you learn online as well. Flexibility to structure your studies in a way that suits you and provides the opportunity to accelerate your studies and complete it earlier.  

Here are the best insider tips to master your online study!

Create a routine  

The biggest tip we have for mastering your online study is to create a routine and stick to it. Map out your week and select specific study times, plan this around your most productive periods. It’s no use to schedule study sessions after a full day of work if you’re going to be exhausted and likewise it makes no sense to try and study early in the morning if you’re a night owl.  

Set yourself up for success by working with your naturally productive times and get your study sessions done then. Map out your whole week including work, study and activities. You can do it with a bullet journal, a calendar, a planner or an app. Whatever works best for you.  

Buddy up  

Finding peer support can go a long way to helping you feel connected when you’re doing an online course. You can do study sessions together or meet up for coffee and ask each other about the course material. It’s a wonderful way to deepen your understanding of the course and it helps you to establish a future industry connection.  

Develop Discipline  

When you’re studying online at home, there are always distractions. Your phone is right there, you could pop on some Netflix, or maybe you need a snack suddenly, what about getting some online shopping done? It’s very easy to get distracted when you’re studying online.  

That’s why it’s important to allocate specific study periods and treat them like a job. Put your phone out of reach and shut out other distractions to focus solely on your work.  

Schedule breaks  

Taking breaks helps us to stay refreshed and focused. When planning out your study schedule, make room in it for short study breaks to get time away from your screen so you can come back better able to focus on your work.  

Try to take a break every 40 minutes or so, and in that time go outside for fresh air, get away from your screen and try to be mindful.  

Trick your brain  

There are lots of nifty tricks you can use to help your brain retain information. Using certain triggers can help you get into study mode. You can create a study playlist of focus music or classical music, whatever gets you in the studying mood. Then play it every time you’re studying. Once your mind connects the two it’ll know that it’s time to study when that music plays.  

You can burn a particular scent or use a certain fragrant oil in a diffuser. Your olfactory senses are strongly connected with memory so that will help you to retain the information you learn in study sessions and connect it all with that particular smell.

Immerse yourself in your topic  

When studying online you can feel disconnected from industry and other students, but you can immerse yourself in your topics. Find YouTube channels, discord threads, Facebook groups and podcasts that can educate and connect you to your new industry.  

Being involved with the industry while you’re completing your course will help you build contacts with industry professionals before you get out into your field. It can deepen your knowledge of the topic beyond what you might have learned just doing the course.

Remember the Big Picture  

Stay motivated by thinking about the big picture. Why are you doing the qualification and what is your goal? By keeping this in mind you’ll be more likely to continue chipping away at it. Remember each study session takes you one step closer to your goal!  

Stay in touch with your trainer  

Just because you’re studying online doesn’t mean you can’t rely on your trainer for support. They are there to talk you through the course materials, advise you on assessment and help you work through the concepts.  

But you shouldn’t just be reaching out when you help with a particular topic. Stay in touch with your trainer throughout. Let them know where you’re up to with your different units. Building a relationship with your trainer will help to keep you accountable to your studying goals and it makes it much easier to reach if you do need help.  

Use your support networks  

If you’re busy with study and you can’t make dinner or get the house cleaned, reach out to your support networks to help you. Ask your partner to pick up some of the domestic slack or see if a friend can help you study by testing you on your topic. 

Review and Revise 

Taking notes and rewriting concepts in your own voice can help you to understand them better. During your course, review your notes and course material, this will help it stick in your mind.  

Revise your understanding and your assessment materials, rewrite until it is clear and concise. 

Final thoughts  

If you’re thinking about pursuing some online study, you can check the variety of courses we offer here. Alternatively, you can organise to get in touch with our course advisors and they will be able to help you find the right course to further your career! 

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