MSS Security partner with Asset College to address employment opportunities amongst an industry skill shortage in Mt Isa

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MSS Security partner with Asset College to address employment opportunities amongst an industry skill shortage in Mt Isa

MSS Security, a leader in the Australian Security Sector, provides wide-ranging security services to all market segments via infrastructure in every state and territory and a workforce of more than 6,000 employees.

As one of the largest security providers in Queensland, MSS Security provides security services across the state and employs more than 900 security personnel. Within the Central Queensland area alone, the MSS Group of Companies, employs more than 330 Security Officers, Emergency Services Officers and multi-disciplinary Health Professionals (Paramedics/RNs) to support client operations across the Bowen Basin and Central Queensland.

In March, MSS Security launched their  “Isa Security Careers (Training to Recruitment Pathway) Program” increasing employment outcomes for Indigenous and non-indigenous residents of Mount Isa.

With a need for MSS Security to significantly increase their local workforce to support their growing local operations, whilst addressing industry skills shortage in the local region, the training and employment pathway program was developed to attract and encourage new local security talent.  The program leads to licensing and employment outcomes, with the prospect of employment with MSS Security and our operations in Mount Isa.

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MSS Security partnered with Asset College – a long standing partner in the delivery of nationally accredited security training to continue to support MSS Security in the recruitment of suitable security personnel to meet the growing needs of our diverse client base, including across regional areas of Australia.

Mike Addicott (GM – Sales and Client Services at Asset College) said, “Our close relationship with MSS Security, combined with our overall knowledge and understanding of the sector, employer service providers, Federal, State and Local Government, allowed us to immediately grasp the specific needs of MSS Security and engage all parties to deliver an awesome outcome.”

Mike and the team at Asset College assisted MSS Security to fast track the project management of a stringent screening and recruitment program, to meet an immediate requirement to source, screen and train suitable individuals to meet the exacting requirements of MSS’s client in Mt Isa within a relatively tight timeframe.

“Asset College are as much a strategic recruitment partner as they are a valued training partner. They take time to understand our specific candidate requirements and are flexible and proactive in supporting great outcomes, regularly meeting our exacting needs”, said Lisa Blackburn – Operations Manager at MSS Security.

Working actively alongside MSS Security’s national recruitment partner Max Employment, whilst also directly engaging the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DATSIP) and NEATO Employment Services locally, ASSET were proactive in facilitating local awareness of the program, assisting with the identification and progression of suitable candidates prior to training and subsequently supporting graduates’ transition to real employment with MSS Security.

In May through this partnership, Asset College delivered Certificate II in Security Operations training in Mount Isa with eleven members of the local community, from a variety of backgrounds suitably assessed and identified to participate.

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The result – Of the eleven participants, nine participates subsequently gained employment with MSS Security that will commence once the licensing process is complete.

In addition to this, MSS Security identified two Indigenous participants to participate in their STEPS Supervisor Program (Supported Training and Experience Pathways for Success) designed to facilitate leadership and management training, to prepare MSS Security employees for career progression.

Delivered over 18 months the program includes the completion of Certificate IV in Leadership and Management.

Given the success of the program, Asset College look forward to continuing to engage with MSS Security to help promote and create employment opportunities via targeted security training within Mount Isa and other key areas across Capital and Regional Queensland.

Want to find out more? Email Mike Addicott at Asset College.

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