Strong Partnerships and Links Contribute to Asset College QTA2020 Win

Queensland Training Awards 2020

Strong Partnerships and Links Contribute to Asset College QTA2020 Win

Over the next couple of months we will be sharing with you just some of the reasons why Asset College was awarded Large Training Provider of the Year in the 2020 Queensland Training Awards!

The award submission process required us to respond to key criteria with a focus on examples where our college demonstrated exceptional outcomes and service.

Criteria 5 in the awards relates to partnerships and links that the provider has in the community. We have worked hard over many years to continue to build and maintain our relationships, to the advantage of our students.

Working with Not-for-Profits

Asset College works closely with not-for-profits to identify training and employment needs such as Soldier On and Community Involvement Solutions and have direct links with Southern Cross University and Ducere Business School to provide direct pathways to university entry for higher level qualification graduates.

Based on the success of our security program in Cherburg, we are now planning to run a similar program in Townsville, a community which is experiencing growing levels of youth crime and community fear as a result.

Employer Partners

For many years, Asset College has actively supported recruitment for ISS Facility Services at Brisbane and Townsville Airports with major recruitment drive events. These events target anyone wishing to work at the Airport in a screening role regardless of whether trained, where trained or current Security Licence status and assist in developing a shared pool of potential employees and trainees.

It was identified during regular meetings with ISS, that there were a number of areas whereby small changes and enhancements to the accredited training delivered by ASSET could compliment the induction training at ISS to maximise employment outcomes. Asset College embedded its key Aviation Screening Trainer into the workplace, alongside ISS’s internal trainers to help facilitate this.

Working with Industry Sectors

Asset College has been actively involved for several years in the key working groups lead by the Department of Home Affairs aligned to essential changes to the Transport Security Sector.

Through our active engagement, we remain still one of only 2 commercial independent providers and are a leader in this area with over a decade’s experience of delivering the previous standard.

Asset College will during 2020 become the key training provider for Lewis Group, MSS Security and Trident Services supporting training at key capital and metro sites across Australia during the transition to new legislated standards planned for 2020, whilst also supporting 155 and Certis with regional training support.

Asset College regularly embeds our trainers and personnel within these partner’s businesses to help develop currency across current and new standards aligned to security for the sector.

Asset College has also begun a major engagement with the Air Cargo element of the sector, which for the first time in Australian history will fall under these new standards. We have already engaged with Royal Express, a major Air Cargo provider providing training to key personnel across their business.


Further to this, we are going on to build new and innovative partnerships through our upcoming Aviation and Maritime Security Roadshow. We are planning this roadshow for the Eastern Seaboard to help inform key employers, government agencies (State and Federal) and local employer referrals organisations of the current training changes and upcoming legislation changes about to impact selection, training and employment for personnel across Aviation and Maritime Passenger Screening and Air Cargo (RACAS).

This was originally planned for April 2020 with a 2-3 hour event in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane. This will, considering coronavirus, be transferred to a webinar format in partnership with Veritas (Leading issuing body for ASIC and MSIC), Rapiscan (Leading provider of Screening Equipment to the Aviation, Maritime and Air Cargo Sectors) and Max Employment (Major Job Active Provider).

Throughout our development as a business we have established direct employment focused relationships with the following businesses:

  • MSS Security
  • ISS Facility Services
  • Securecorp
  • Wilson Security
  • Lewis Group
  • CAP Security
  • QSS
  • Pickwick Group
  • Prasek
  • Sekkon
  • Certis/SN P
  • BrisSecurity
  • Corporate Protection Australia
  • Southern Cross Protection
  • Millennium Services Group
  • IRS Security
  • DavSki Security
  • Loish Security
  • MA Services
  • And many more!

We have also developed relationships with key Job Active Networks across the state including:

Want to partner with Asset College or find out more about how our partnerships and links can assist you while studying with us? Contact us today!

Stay tuned as we discuss more about the key programs and business commitments that led Asset College to becoming Large Training Provider of the Year for 2020!

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