The More you Learn, The More you Earn: A Guide to Learning More Effectively in 5 Simple Steps

the more you learn the more you earn

The More you Learn, The More you Earn

A Guide to Learning More Effectively in 5 Simple Steps

In today’s economically uncertain times we are all looking for ways to increase our earning potential. And according to the research, Warren Buffet was right when he said, ‘The more you learn, the more you earn.”

In a study completed by the organisation for economic co-operation and development, they found a strong link between education and earning potential, with the study reporting that adults with a short cycle territory degree (Diploma) earn 20% more than adults with only secondary education.

The earning disparity increases to 44% for adults with a bachelor’s degree and 91% for those with a masters or doctorate.

Generally, an increase in learning sees an increase in earning but it also comes with other social benefits such as career advancement opportunities, incentives for professional development and support for further learning. There is also research that suggests that being an adult learner increases your quality of life.

So, if you’re looking to crack the books and level up your learning and earning potential, we’ve got your ultimate guide to learning more effectively in five simple steps.

Step One: Start at the Beginning

When you’re an adult trying to learn a new skill sometimes it can be tedious and sometimes you want to speed through the process. But starting at the beginning and learning the fundamentals of something will give you better depth of understanding in the long run.

Step Two: Take notes

Grab your pen and paper, because taking handwritten notes has been proven to aid you with forming new memories and retaining information.

When you take notes think about how you want to structure them, how to boil down the important information and group the ideas and facts in a way that makes sense. Thinking about how you write your notes will help you to formulate your opinion and deepen your understanding of the material.

Step Three: Practice makes perfect

It’s a saying for a reason. For example, if you’re learning a new software, you can repeat the steps over and over again to retain the information but if you’re studying something more conceptual, you’ll need to strengthen the connections in your mind between the concepts and outcomes.

You can do this by creating a self-testing regime. Establish problems for you to solve or flash cards with questions and answers and force yourself to retain the information. You’ll achieve better recall for the subject by practicing these memory tricks.

Each time you force yourself to recall information by memory you strengthen the neural pathway to this information, establishing a stronger connection and enabling you to more easily recall it the next time.

The best time to revise your notes and practice your recall is just before bed. Memories formed at this time are more easily converted to long term memory.

Step Four: Learn how to learn

Do you know your learning style?

Are you a visual learner or does audio work better for you? Finding your preferred learning style will help you to better retain the information you’re taking in. While it might not be possible to tailor all your study to your particular learning style, especially if you are studying in the traditional classroom environment, it can help you to tailor your at home studying style and your auxiliary studying methods.

For example, if you are studying marketing and you are an audio learner you can tape your lectures to refer back to them or you can find a good podcast and take some notes.

Step Five: Set Goals and plan your study schedule

Whatever you are studying there will be an end goal – a diploma or degree or maybe you’re after this extra level of study for career progression and the end goal is a promotion. Whatever your goals you can get there through careful planning.

You wouldn’t try to go out and run a marathon tomorrow when you’ve been pretty sedentary for the last few years, and it follows for study. You’re not going to be ready to write a thesis on day one or cram for an exam but with consistent hard work you can there.

Break your bigger goals up into smaller goals. Remember to check in with yourself and celebrate your progress as you go.

Plan out your study schedule and monitor your progress and adjust the schedule based on when you are getting your work done. If you’ve got a few spare minutes in the morning but you’re not feeling mentally active enough to do course work and writing, try listening to a lecture or watching a video tutorial on your subject. And leave the course work for a time of day when you’re more mentally productive.

We hope you found these tips helpful. Remember everyone’s journey to self-improvement and professional development looks different, find the path and learning style that’s best suited to you.

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