Changes to White Card Online QLD

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Changes to White Card Online QLD

Asset College continue to get a number of enquiries in relation to delivering White Card courses online.

Since February 2019, White Card online courses were no longer allowed in QLD. From this time the only states that were allowed to deliver White Card online were Western Australia and Tasmania. This still remains the case.

Completing your White Card in Queensland via face to face learning means that it is valid in all states across Australia.

The change to the White Card online training requirements in QLD came about because of industry concerns that students were not gaining the required knowledge from completing their course online. In addition, there was a concern that those who may have had difficulties were instead getting another person to complete the online training for them, unbeknown to the training organisation issuing the White Card online.

In late 2016, the CPPCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the construction industry unit had already undergone extensive changes to assessment requirements to further align the training with industry requirements. It was anticipated that this would improve the depth of understanding constructions workers bring onsite.

Asset College has multiple locations in QLD where you can complete your White Card training. This includes Townsville, North Lakes, Spring Hill, Logan and Gold Coast. The course is completed in a half-day workshop. You can view more information and book your spot online here or simply call us on 1300 731 602.

Below is the advice published by Workplace Health and Safety QLD:

Training for a Queensland White Card must now be face to face with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

A Queensland white card is recognised in all Australian states and the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory. Queensland also recognises white cards issued from each of these areas.

Concerns about the effectiveness and quality of online training were raised by various stakeholders during the Best Practice Review of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland in 2017. In addition, similar concerns have been long held by work health and safety regulators in other jurisdictions including New South Wales and Victoria.

In response to these ongoing concerns, last year Workplace Health and Safety Queensland advised all registered training organisations that construction induction training would need to be delivered face-to-face from 1 February 2019, with an exception if a Queensland resident lives in a rural area greater than 100 km from an RTO approved to deliver this course.

This arrangement aligns with those in Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, where online delivery of construction induction training is not permitted.

Training for a white card is delivered under a national competency standard, with mutual recognition between states. This change in requirements responds to industry concerns regarding the quality of on-line training which has placed the mutual recognition of Queensland issued white cards at risk.

Where a card is lost, stolen or destroyed and needs to be re-issued, you must supply a statement of attainment for either the CPCCOHS1001A or CPCCWHS1001. It is best to contact the RTO with whom you originally completed your White Card training to assist with facilitating this process.

Should you have a White Card that was issued before February 2019 and you undertook your training online, don’t worry you can still use your existing one!

Asset College has multiple locations in QLD where you can complete your White Card training. This includes Townsville, North Lakes, Spring Hill, Logan and Gold Coast. The course is completed in a half-day workshop. You can view more information and book your spot online here or simply call us on 1300 731 602.

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